About Us
Located in the Laurentians mountains of Quebec in Lost River (lac Laurel) , we host concerts from May to November. Our location is 1.5 hours north of Montreal or Ottawa. We are family friendly and our shows take place on Saturday or Sunday afternoons.
All proceeds to the artists.
Our Venue - RickksRoom
Since 2007, our venue has been a great way to experience your favorite musicians in an intimate setting. In our listening room there is no bad seat with musicians playing just feet away. During intermission you have the opportunity to chat with the musicians about what inspires them or why they wrote a particular song. There is shared food and a great opportunity to meet your fellow concert goers. Unlike big venues you really get to experience the music, to taste it and feel it as well as hear it.
Come to our room to take in live music in a way that will leave you with memories that get into your soul.
We have hosted 100+ shows todate
Since 2007, our venue has been a great way to experience your favorite musicians in an intimate setting. In our listening room there is no bad seat with musicians playing just feet away. During intermission you have the opportunity to chat with the musicians about what inspires them or why they wrote a particular song. There is shared food and a great opportunity to meet your fellow concert goers. Unlike big venues you really get to experience the music, to taste it and feel it as well as hear it.
We have hosted 100+ shows todate
À propos de nous
Nous organisons des concerts dans les magnifiques Laurentides (Wentworth-Nord lac Laurel ) à seulement 90 minutes de Montréal ou d’Ottawa. Ces concerts sont offerts de mai à novembre, en après-midi le samedi ou le dimanche dans une ambiance familiale.
Toutes les sommes recueillies sont remises aux artistes.
Depuis 2007 une pièce aménagée spécialement pour les concerts permet de vivre une expérience hors du commun dans une ambiance intimiste. Pendant l’entracte, échangez avec les artistes sur ce qui les inspire, leur passion, la musique.
Apportez de quoi grignoter et partagez avec les invités autour d’une table. Les grandes salles ne pourront jamais vous faire vivre la musique à la manière de Rickks Room! Rickks Room est né de notre désir de créer une occasion pour réunir artistes et mélomanes par pur plaisir de la musique « live ».